Check Basement Living Spaces Frequently for Mold
Mold Reports Give An Accurate Picture
Mold reports by licensed mold inspectors in Toronto are the best way to determine if your basement has a problem and how wide spread it is.
Mold grows everywhere. All it needs is a wet or damp environment. It is a myth to believe that only older buildings are faced with mold problems. Condensation and inadequate ventilation, which are typical of basements, lead to mold growth in homes of all ages and sizes.
Mold Hot Spots To Watch For
Check the basement frequently as well as other common mold hot spots listed below to catch any mold development before it takes over your property. We have also mentioned the main causes of mold in these areas so that you can take the necessary precautions to prevent growing conditions. Mold reports must include an analysis of these mold-prone locations.
- Basements or below grade occupied spaces - Leaks, floods, condensation, winter-built condensation, dirt floors, old stone foundations
- Bathrooms - tiled showers, plumbing leaks, tub spillage
- Attics - condensation and leaks
- Laundry rooms/areas - inadequate ventilation, humidity, dampness
- Windows - condensation and leaks
- Fan coil units and large HVAC systems
- Plants - the moist soil in indoor plants is a perfect breeding ground for mould
- New homes - due to construction and builder deficiencies
Fix leaks right away, ensure your home is well ventilated and control humidity to prevent future mold outbreaks.
If you have noticed mold growth in your home or commercial space or suspect you have an issue, schedule an inspection and get a mold report right away. It is important to identify the type of mold you are dealing with and the total area of contamination. Some strains do not respond to standard treatments. Also it often grows in invisible and hard-to-reach places making a DIY remediation ineffective.
Asbestos Environmental Of Canada (AEOC) offers professional mold reports for residential and commercial properties in Toronto. Our licensed mold inspectors use a variety of methods to detect its presence and perform a detailed analysis. All our findings are verified by an independent laboratory to ensure maximum accuracy of results. These mold reports then form the blueprint for an effective remediation process.
If you are looking for licensed mold inspection services and dependable mold reports in Toronto, call Asbestos Environmental Of Canada today at 416-985-5025.