We can do that.

We are qualified to decontaminate any living or working area to help in your efforts to secure safe and contaminant-free spaces. That includes germs, mold spores and fungi among many other substances.
We also understand how scared contractors are when facing a recently-vacated dwelling or a high-traffic area.
Here is our partial price list for apartment buildings, in effect until further notice and reduced for COVID-19 decontamination work:
- Studio apartment:
$400$325 - 1-bedroom:
$450$400 - 2-bedroom:
$525$475 - Common areas:
$1.50 sf$1.00 sf
And here is a growing list of facilities and situations where our expertise applies:
- retirement and nursing homes
- apartment building common areas, such as laundry rooms, hallways, garbage rooms, main lobbies, fitness facilities
- vacated apartments, prior to new tenant arrivals
- empty apartments slated for demolition, renovation or remodeling work
- hospital waiting and emergency rooms
- essential business premises where people must circulate (banks, pharmacies, doctors' office waiting rooms, etc.)
See us in action decontaminating an extended care and retirement facility!

at the entrance to the home.
Virus-free homes are possible!
We are also equipped to install decontamination chambers at your front door to help mitigate the spread by visitors to your house or business. A decontamination chamber is ideal for all essential workers who need a secure place to clean themselves before entering their homes.
And why not also for the person of the house going out for groceries or medical appointments!
We care about you and our staff
As the COVID-19 crisis continues to affect all aspects of daily life and work, AEOC Environmental is urging clients and contractors to adopt the following protocols as we work to complete your job site activities while protecting the safety of our specialists:

- AEOC is asking for all residents to vacate homes / job sites while our consultants are on site to avoid face to face interactions. Should you, the client, need to remain on site we ask that you always maintain at least a 6 feet distance from our consultants.
- Avoid sharing equipment – if you are sharing please always sanitize your tools before and after use.
- Always wear face masks and gloves, and if the situation calls for it, hazmat suits.
- Wash and sanitize your hands every time you leave and enter a site or facility using proper hand washing protocols – 20 seconds minimum.
- Avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth – if you do wash and sanitize your hands immediately.
- Cough or sneeze into your sleeves – NEVER cough or sneeze openly into populated or work areas or into your hands.
As specialists in microbial and toxic designated substance abatement, we are in a unique position to assist with site decontamination. We also come dressed for the occasion, so your projects or home requirements need not be put on hold while the COVID-19 crisis resolves.
Give us a call right away to discuss your needs. We are here to help.