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Frequently Asked Questions


What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos is the name given to a group of minerals that occur naturally in the environment as bundles of fibers. They separated into thin, durable threads.? These fibers are resistant to heat, fire, and chemicals and do not conduct electricity. For these reasons, asbestos has been used widely in many industries.

Exposure to asbestos may increase the risk of asbestosis, other nonmalignant lung and pleural disorders, lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other cancers.

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How Do I Know If I Have Asbestos In My Home Or Work Place?

You will need a consultant to do a visual inspection of any ACM (Asbestos Containing ??? Materials) and have them test it and send out to the lab.

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How Do I Know If I Am Being Exposed To Asbestos?

You will need an air technician to come in and have them do air sampling of your residential home and work space.

People may be exposed to asbestos in their workplace, their communities, or their homes. If products containing asbestos are disturbed, tiny asbestos fibers are released into the air. When asbestos fibers are breathed in, they may get trapped in the lungs and remain there for a long time. Over time, these fibers can accumulate and cause scarring and inflammation, which can affect breathing and lead to serious health problems.

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Who Is At Risk For An Asbestos-Related Disease?

Everyone is exposed to asbestos at some time during their life. Low levels of asbestos are present in the air, water, and soil. However, most people do not become ill from their exposure. People who become ill from asbestos are usually those who are exposed to it on a regular basis, most often in a job where they work directly with the material or through substantial environmental contact.

Exposure to asbestos may increase the risk of asbestosis, other nonmalignant lung and pleural disorders, lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other cancers. Smokers who are also exposed to asbestos have a greatly increased risk of lung cancer.

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What Is A Designated Substance Surveys (DSS) Report?

Before a construction or demolition project can begin it is the responsibility of the property owner to properly identify the Designated Substances on the project site and provide contractors with a Designated substance report prior to initiating any work.

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Why Do You Need A DSS Report?

This Report is required by the Occupational Health & Safety Acting and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. A Designated Substance Survey and subsequent Report will properly identify the type, location and concentration of any Designated Substances on-site so that applicable measures can be taken to ensure the safety of those working on the site and the general public.

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What Is Mold And Where Can It Be Found?

Mold is most likely to grow in damp places or in the presence of water. Such places include bathrooms, basements, crawl spaces and green houses, as well as patio furniture. While the majority of molds do not have known health effects on humans, there is a small number of species that are known to have toxic health effects.

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How Can You Be Exposed To Mold?

When moldy materials get damaged or moved, spores (reproductive bodies similar to seeds) can be released into the air. Exposure routes include:

  • Inhalation of mold spores or mycotoxins
  • Direct skin contact with or inhalation of moldy materials
  • Accidental ingestion

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How Does Mold Grow?

Mold grows under 3 types of conditions, licking water and condensation, temperature and poor air circulation.? In order for Mold to grow, all it needs is water and a food source.? Mold can also grow anywhere there is water damage, dampeness and high humidity.

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Who Is At Risk?

Anyone can be affected by the people more so at risk are asthmatics, immune-suppressed individuals, people with allergies, and both old and young people. Renovation/demolition workers may be at a higher risk for exposure than the average person.

Facilities that have are threatened by the presence of hazardous mold include:

  • Homes
  • Water-damaged buildings
  • Daycare facilities
  • Schools (portables)
  • Hospitals
  • Retirement homes
  • Recreation centres
  • Office buildings

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What Should You Do If Mold Is Present In Your Building?

We provide inspections to come and evaluate the Mold. Mold must be removed as soon as it discovered.

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What Mold Removal/Remediation Services Do You Provide?

We will seek to understand the unique requirements of each project through in-depth communication with the client. We then use our expertise to meet the client?s needs in a cost-effective manner.

Available services include:

  • Facility mold surveys
  • Building occupant surveys
  • Building condition surveys
  • Bulk sampling and analysis
  • Preparation of abatement specifications and tender documentation
  • Inspection and testing services during abatement projects

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