Why You Need A DSS Report Before You Start Your Home Demolition Or Construction Project
DSS reports help determine whether or not there are hazardous substances present that could pose a threat to workers’ health and safety during a demolition or construction project.
Exposure to high concentrations of substances such as asbestos, lead and PCBs for instance are linked to many serious illnesses. Knowing the risks helps take the necessary precautions to prevent unnecessary exposure. It is not only unfair to the contractors and workers but also illegal. That is why as per Section 30 of the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, a DSS report is mandatory before any such work is carried out.
What are these designated substances?
- Asbestos
- Benzene
- Lead
- Acrylonitrile
- Mercury Coke Oven Emissions
- Silica
- Arsenic
- Isocyanates
- Ethylene Oxide
- Vinyl Chloride
- PCBs (generally within the scope of the survey though not part of the named substances)
How do DSS reports reduce liabilities?
- You will know exactly which hazardous substances you are dealing eliminating the guesswork.
- The reports pinpoint the exact location and extent of the problem helping you plan a proper course of action for removal of the toxic materials.
- You can pass on the information to contractors about the risk levels and assuage their doubts about potential health problems
- You will eliminate any unnecessary liabilities (and compensation) surrounding exposure to this health hazardous.
Certified inspectors from Asbestos Environmental Of Canada (AEOC) use the latest, most advanced equipment to ensure a high degree of accuracy with regard to the results. All findings are then sent to an independent laboratory for analysis and to confirm findings.
It is not always necessary to have all of these designated substances removed. In some cases it is preferable to have them sealed and undisturbed. Our DSS reports form the foundation of remedial measures and could save you hundreds of dollars by eliminating any unnecessary work.
Find out exactly which of these designated substances is a problem for you. And more importantly determine the exact course of action required.
Call Asbestos Environmental Of Canada today at 416-985-5025 to book a DSS report before you plan any renovation, demolition or construction projects.
It’s the law!